
Monday, November 20, 2017

Athletics day

Athletics day
’’I can’t do this,I am going to become last’’I  politely whisper to myself.It’s cold  why didn't       I  come with a jacket for me only .I’m thinking that I  should  be okay without my
jacket.’’Really 9 years old no I can’t do this I’m too slow’’I taught myself  wait I’m new but I don’t know what is going on’’.

’’HMMMM’’ What should I wear for tomorrow    maybe a dress no way  how about a jumper with white jeans’’.’’MUM’’I shouted where is my  jeans and jumper that I wanted to wear  and when is it starting’’FRIDAY’’She shouted fast and hurry cause it is 9;00.”Love you Mum bye I am really excited to be on Athletics day’’Bye’’.

’’Where is Room 9 I need them to have a race’’Said Mrs Fepuleai  all of the Tobruk people were cheering like a Tiger  running like the cars that always have to race. ’’GO TOBRUK’’shouted  Milan.I felt so excited to have a race it was my favorite day which was friday 29th November.’’Why do I have to go to the final I’m so tired my feet hurt my arms hurt’’But I came 2th and I really loved to go to the final.

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